Dear Academic Challenge Students and Parents,
Welcome back from summer! Please read this entire post and look at the linked flyers and calendar, since "coming back" this year is different from years past.
Student Schedules: As you know, all Academic Challenge classes, Level 1-5, will be held online this Fall. On your student's schedule, the course title, instructor, course meeting time, Zoom meeting link, and instructor email address are indicated. Our first day of classes meet on Zoom on August 18, 2020. Please see the 2020-2021 Calendar and Student Course Schedule emailed to you for detailed information.
Virtual Open House: All Level 1 - 3 students are expected to attend a Zoom meeting with their instructor on Monday, August 10, 2020. Students who are scheduled during the school year for a morning class from 8:55 - 11:10 am, should attend the Morning Class Meetings from 2 - 3 pm. Students who are scheduled during the school year for an afternoon class from 11:40 am - 1:50 pm, should attend the Afternoon Class Meetings from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. The student should email the instructor if they cannot attend the meeting. Level 1 students will also have an opportunity to attend a Summer Reading Book Chat from 4:00 - 5:00 pm, the final Math Tutorial Session from 5:30 - 7:30 pm, and Level 1 parents are invited to a Q&A with Ms. Dolan from 7:30 - 8:30 pm to answer any questions left unanswered by the earlier Open House sessions. Please see the AC Open House flyer for the detailed schedule.
Textbook Distribution: We have scheduled four dates for curbside textbook pick up at Delaware Tech. All Level 1 - 3 English and Level 2 Math students should pick up books at one of the scheduled dates. Level 1 & 3 Math students will be using the online textbook in MyMathLab this year and do not need to pick up a physical textbook. Level 2 & 3 students should return all textbooks from Spring classes on one of these dates. Please see the Textbook Distribution flyer for the detailed schedule and location.
Zoom Attendance Expectations: All Academic Challenge instructors will hold a Zoom meeting at the scheduled Tuesday class time each week. Students are expected to attend all scheduled meetings. However, we understand that there will be conflicts. If a student cannot attend the scheduled meeting, the student should email the instructor to explain why, and the instructor can email the Zoom recording of the meeting for the week. Remember that if all schools and AC were meeting in person as usual, students would miss their home school classes on Tuesday. The home school districts are aware of how AC works, and we will be communicating with them about how to best accommodate AC students with the home school schedule. If a student cannot attend Zoom meetings because of internet access issues, please email your instructor right away and we will develop a plan to address this.
Summer Work: All Level 1 - 3 English and Math students have summer work to complete before classes begin on August 18, 2020. All assignments are located on our website, under the Student Information tab, Summer Work link:
Communication: The Academic Challenge office will continue to communicate with students and parents through the email addresses at which you have received this email. If you would like to add to or change an email address in our records, email All teacher contact information is located in the D2L course online. All teachers will be available at the dtcc email address listed on the student schedule, but they will also outline a communication plan in the D2L course that will have additional points of contact.
Please also visit and explore our website where the most current information about AC is available; it is a great resource! And you can sign up to get an email whenever we post a new announcement by clicking on the Log in/Sign up button at the top of this page.
Finally, do not hesitate to contact me (, Ms. Sorensen (, or your instructor if you have any questions about your Fall courses.
While we were hoping to meet in person this Fall, your AC instructors have been busy preparing all summer to provide you with a great online experience. Remember, you are not doing your AC class alone--we are a team, and we will move forward, supporting each other, as we work towards our academic goals!
Liza Dolan
Academic Challenge Coordinator
Delaware Technical Community College, Owens Campus
21179 College Drive
Georgetown, DE 19947