Dear New Level 1 Academic Challenge Students and Parents,
Welcome back from summer! Please read this entire post and look at the linked documents and webpages for important information about Fall schedules, Open House, transportation, and other details about Tuesday classes.
Student Schedules: Level 1 Academic Challenge classes will be held at Delaware Tech in the Carter Partnership Center. Fall 2024 schedules will be emailed to students Monday, August 5 (students enrolled in both math and English) and Tuesday, August 6 (students enrolled in math only or English only). On your student's schedule, the course title, instructor, course meeting time, room number, and instructor email address are indicated. Also included are the student’s DTCC ID number, email address, and MyDTCC username. Our first day of class is on August 20, 2024. Please see the 2024-2025 Calendar for AC meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
Summer Math Tutorial Sessions, Summer Reading Book Chat: The final Level 1 Math Tutorial Session will be held on Monday, August 12 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. A Level 1 Book Chat Session will be held Monday, August 12, from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Zoom Links to all Level 1 meetings are on the New Students page.
Virtual Open House: All Level 1 students are expected to attend a Zoom meeting with their Level 1 math and/or English instructor teams on Monday, August 12, 2024. The student should email their instructor if they cannot attend the meeting. Please see the AC Level 1-3 Open House schedule at the Fall 2024 page for the detailed schedule and Zoom links.
MyDTCC & D2L: All students should set up their MyDTCC account to access their email and courses in D2L prior to the first day of class. Look for an email from with the subject line "Activate your account" for a link to set up the account. This email was sent to the activation email address on the student's registration form. If you don't find it in your in box, please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please call the Owens Campus Computer Lab at 302-259-6285.
Summer Work: All Level 1 English and Math students have summer work to complete before classes begin on August 20, 2024. Click on the Summer Work link to view the Math Packet and Summer Reading list.
Transportation: None of the school districts are in session when AC classes begin August 20, 2024. However, all school districts except for Sussex Academy will provide transportation from the home school to Delaware Tech and from Delaware Tech to the home school on our first day (SA will provide transportation once school is in session). Click here to view the 2024 Bus Schedule. Please arrive at the home school 5-10 minutes before the time posted on the schedule. Half-day students do not stay at Delaware Tech all day. If your class is in the morning, you will be transported back to the home school leaving Del Tech at approximately 11:10 am. If your class is in the afternoon, you will take the later morning departure to Del Tech to attend the afternoon session. All full-day and half-day p.m. students from districts providing busing will be transported back to the home school at the end of the day leaving Del Tech at approximately 1:45 p.m. Be sure arrangements are made to meet your student at the home school to pick up at the appropriate time. If your student is not riding a bus, our class times are 8:50-11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-1:40 pm. If you are transporting your student to the college for class, please check the appropriate location for dropping off and picking up your student at the Carter Partnership Center at Del Tech on our campus map (scroll to the second page for parent pick up/drop off locations).
Tuesday Lunch: Lunch items will be available for purchase on Tuesdays from Delaware Tech’s food service, Lighthouse Cove. Full-day students will eat lunch at Delaware Tech and may order lunch during their morning class. See the AC Tuesday Menu for available lunch options; entrees are $8.00 and include a side of French fries and a drink.
Communication: The Academic Challenge office will continue to communicate with students and parents through the email addresses on file. To add to or change an email address in our records, email All teacher contact information is located in the D2L course online. All teachers will be available at the DTCC email address listed on the student schedule, but teachers will also outline a communication plan in the D2L course that will have additional points of contact.
AC Website: Visit and explore our website where the most current AC information is available; it is a great resource! You can sign up to get an email whenever we post a new announcement by clicking on the Log in/Sign up button at the top of this page.
Do not hesitate to contact me (, Ms. Sorensen (, or your instructor if you have any questions about your Fall courses.
We are looking forward to a great semester together in Academic Challenge!
Liza Dolan
Academic Challenge Coordinator
Delaware Technical Community College, Owens Campus
21179 College Drive
Georgetown, DE 19947